We create technology ventures by leveraging our assets and an entrepreneurial ecosystem.

We are a venture builder. Our goal is to create new organizations from SATEC's  digital transformation projects.

Periodic meetings with the mission of driving  R&D+i in Spain.

Artificial and collective intelligence, Phygital,  Metaverse, Business Composability, Data Fabric, Carbon footprint mitigation,  Cybersecurity mesh, Decision Intelligence, Hyperautomation, Autonomous  Systems, Cloud-Native Platforms.


Collaborative Innovation SATEC HUB

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We contribute to bringing entrepreneurs and innovation professionals closer together through forums for debate and idea exchange about innovative technological trends and their influence on the knowledge society.


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Satec Hub

Compartimos contigo el conocimiento y la experiencia del Grupo Satec en tecnologías de última generación y soluciones innovadoras para la transformación digital de empresas e instituciones.  

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Our workstreams:

Open and collaborative innovation to address real market needs with the latest technological components in sectors such as Health, Industry, Agriculture, Telecommunications, Geoscience, and more.


Applications in the metaverse to build the knowledge  society.


Solutions that connect the physical and digital worlds, transforming user experiences and accelerating IT-OT (information technology - operational technology) convergence.


Contributing to the digital transformation of the health sector through data analytics powered by Artificial Intelligence.

Industry 4.0

Workstreams based on the digital enablers of Industry 4.0.


Development of Spatial Data Infrastructures (SDIs) for the implementation of policies and administrative actions related to non-renewable natural resources.


Software automation to improve the efficiency of workflows for service provisioning, management, and operations.


A neutral digital platform for crop exports.

Proyectos financiados
Inventario de infraestructura de red y analítica
de datos de salud Health Data 360

Desarrollo del plan de actuación de las líneas de investigación de "Inventario de infraestructura de red y analítica de monitorización" y "HealthData 360" en el nuevo centro de I+D+i SATEC-HUB en Asturias.

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